< The Pedal Gee Bee: Windsheild Frame Mounted

The Pedal Gee Bee

The ongoing saga of the construction of a pedal powered Gee Bee R2 replica for my kids.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Windsheild Frame Mounted

Time Spent: .5 hours

Mounted the windsheild frame tonight. It was fairly straightforward, since I made sure that the panel assembly was square to the rest of the fuselage. After clamping the frame securely to the fuse, I marked the centers of all the holes to be drilled. I removed the frame, and drilled the 3/16ths holes in the fuselage and the 1/4 inch holes through the panel sides. It was then a simple matter of using the supplied (you did get the harware kit like I told you to...right?) flathead screws and hex head bolts with stop nuts to premanently mount the frame.

Some notes here:
  1. Make sure when you're clamping the frame in, before marking the holes, that the frame is centered in the panel opening
  2. Make sure that the frame is perpendicular to the fuselage sides. Otherwise your windseild will be tilting forward or backward. Not a big deal but square always looks better.