The ongoing saga of the construction of a pedal powered Gee Bee R2 replica for my kids.
Time Spent: 1 hours (est.)
Total Time: 26.25
I cut the nose positioning plate and nose positioning plate adapters to plan and dry-assembled these with clamps. I had expected this assembly to be almost perfectly square, as the pieces themselves were square. However, the dry assembly easily confirmed otherwise. While assembling the nose box pieces separately did create a square unit, the fore fuselage ends, which should have been mirror images of each other in space, proved not to be.
Had I noticed this prior to the previous night’s setback/elevator/rudder/fuse glue-up, I could have done a little racking to the assembly to get it relatively square. Note the key word in that sentence, prior. I was stuck with fuse assembly the way it was, and there was no going back. I contemplated this for some time, realizing that the propshaft was going to be passing through this assembly AFTER the nosebox was inverted within the cowl. The rotation is hard to describe here but if you read the instructions you’ll understand. This means that any misalignment will be doubled in the final product if everything else remains the same. But again, I was committed with how the fuselage sides lined up. So, striking a compromise between a building non-square nose assembly, and racking the fuselage sides a bit, I assembled the box. The end result is certainly not square, a quick visual inspection verifies that, but the deflection is as little as I can make it. Therefore with the grace of God go we.