The ongoing saga of the construction of a pedal powered Gee Bee R2 replica for my kids.
Time Spent: 3 hours (est.)
Total Time: 25.25
So now the fuselage assembly can begin in earnest. Placing the rudder into the headrest slot I made sure that the fuselage sides would come together at the rudders trailing edge and would meet at the bottom of the rudder. Using a couple of screws they were temporarily attached.
Walking the elevator into position was a real frustration. I don’t know if the plans are wrong or what, but I couldn’t get it into position. Frustrated, I elongated the elevator slots both forward and backward using my Dremmel tool. If you do this, do it a little at a time and do it the same amount on both sides. Now that the elevator could slide into place, I measured to make sure it was centered from to back, and eyeballed to make sure it was square to the length of the aircraft. I marked the position of the elevator by drawing lines on both the inside and the outside of the fuselage.
I placed a fillet of glue along every edge that touched the fuselage and the slot in the headrest. I backed out the temporary screws clamping the elevator rudder, placed glue (a Lot) in the joint and screwed it back together. Try to wipe up the drips when you can, but remember, you can sand away the excess, so an errant drip here or there is nothing to get hung-up about.