The ongoing saga of the construction of a pedal powered Gee Bee R2 replica for my kids.
Time Spent: 2.25
Total Time: 4.5
Second night of dedicated work on the Gee Bee and I’m feeling pretty good about it. Built a plan board which allows me to keep the full sheet plans out and visible for reference without searching through pattern cut-outs. Cut 11 more plywood pieces consisting of most of the internal doublers, panel caps, and one of the wheel cover outer-layers. I would have cut out the next three, but it was getting late, and my band saw is LOUD, very loud. The parts stack is getting measurably bigger. That lends at least a little sense of accomplishment. I’m getting better with the band saw. Curves are relatively easy once you learn to anticipate the flex of the blade and know how to pivot the piece using your hands independently. What’s difficult is trying to cut a straight line on a tool designed for curves. I suppose I could use a straight edge and my cordless circular saw but that would be time consuming and tedious. From what I can gather from the plans there is enough “open end” to handle the variation.