< The Pedal Gee Bee: About This Blog

The Pedal Gee Bee

The ongoing saga of the construction of a pedal powered Gee Bee R2 replica for my kids.

Friday, October 01, 2004

About This Blog

About this Blog:
When I first set off on this project, being the IT guy I am, I scoured the web looking for people who built this before. There were a few sites, and I’ve credited them in this document. However, none of them actually described in detail, the building, hidden gottchas, or possible improvements of the process. This document is meant to, in part, satisfy that need for anyone else who wants to build these for their kids. So if this document helps you out, or your building one of the pedal plane kits, let me know. I’d be happy to hear from you!

Since this is really a log of sorts, and you’ll notice that there are places in here where I talk about myself, my job, my family or other things. Realize that this project was as much for myself as it was for my kids and grandfather. It turned into more than a woodworking project. It was therapy. It was a place and a task to focus on, forgetting all of the things that troubled me.

This work is, of course, copyright ã Christopher D. Engel 2005.

This blogis entirely my own idea and has in no way been sanctioned or authorized by Aviation Products, Inc. (http://www.pedalplanekits.com) or any other persons responsible for the creation, production, and distribution of the plans/kits. Any errors contained herein are entirely my own; use at your own risk.

Contacting the author: If you want to get in touch with me for some reason about this document, please feel free to do so using cdengel@gmail.com. However, before you send me email, there are a few things you can do to make my life easier. And, if you make my life easier, I'll be more likely to respond sooner.
  • PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure there is a subject line to the email. There is far too much spam and viruses that are distributed through email, and unless there is a clear subject line, your email will be deleted before I even see it. Does this mean you have to write the body of the email in the subject line? No. Just ‘Gee Bee question’ or something with ‘Gee Bee’ in the subject so I know it's not malicious.
  • On the same note, email over 20k is also deleted automatically, for the same reasons as listed above. I haven't seen any legitimate questions over 1-5 k big, so that shouldn't be a problem.
  • If you point out something I screwed up on (which I do, on rare occasions), that's great. If I've been too vague or loose in my descriptions, making it hard to read/understand, let me know. I’ll credit you in the next version.


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