< The Pedal Gee Bee: A Note on the Support Kits

The Pedal Gee Bee

The ongoing saga of the construction of a pedal powered Gee Bee R2 replica for my kids.

Friday, October 01, 2004

A Note on the Support Kits

On the support kits:
Unless you build aircraft, custom cars, or custom choppers for a living, GET THEM.

I’m fairly handy, and I wouldn’t find it too difficult to bend and cut the conduit to the dimensions given in the plans. On the same token, I wouldn’t have too much difficulty locating the hardware (except the bearings) in various hardware stores or the Internet. I even have a Father-in-law who could probably bend the ¾” cold-rolled steel into the shape I need for a crank. However, there is ABSOLUTLY NO QUESTION that I couldn’t fabricate the aluminum covers and windshield frame to the quality that Aviation Products, Inc. did. “Oh come on! It’s just sheet aluminum!” you say. Yeah right, the rear covers have gracefully smooth curves in two axis as it sweeps toward the tail. I can’t come close replicating that, and I bet you can’t either. Don’t fool yourself. Admit you don’t know how to work an english wheel or a hammer shaper and get the kits. Your sanity and hair will thank you.


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